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Malaysia E-Invoicing: What Hoteliers Need to Know

Written by Farisya | Jan 5, 2024 9:16:20 AM

In May 2023, the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB) officially declared its intention to implement the new electronic invoicing (e-invoice) system, starting with the initial phase targeting 4,000 businesses. The implementation is scheduled to start on 1st Aug 2024 for businesses achieving an annual sales threshold of RM100 million. 

This announcement may come as a surprise to many business owners, nevertheless, it reflects a governmental initiative aimed at improving the efficiency of Malaysia's Tax Administration Management. Let's further dive into e-invoice and what you as hotel owners or managers can do to prepare for this implementation.

What is E-Invoice? 

E-invoicing revolutionized the invoicing process by digitally creating, sending, receiving, and processing invoices between suppliers and buyers. Unlike traditional paper methods,  E-invoice uses electronic formats to help reduce manual workload and minimize errors. It has the same contents as found in a traditional document, encompassing essential information such as supplier and buyer details, item description, quantity, price excluding tax, tax, and the total amount. This comprehensive set of data serves as a record for daily business operations, ensuring accurate and transparent documentation of transactional information.

It facilitates real-time validations and secure storage of transactions, serving the needs of business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and business-to-government transactions. For the hotel industry, this means that financial management will be more efficient,  payment cycles will be faster, and a significant reduction in paperwork. 

Implementation of E-Invoicing 

As announced in Malaysia's 2024 Financial Budget, e-invoicing will be implemented in three different stages impacting varying turnover or revenue thresholds. This phased approach is strategically crafted to afford businesses ample time to adapt to the impending changes, fostering a smooth transition to the new invoicing framework. 

When e-invoices are needed?

Referring to the guidelines provided by the LHDN, two scenarios required e-invoice to be issued which are: 

  1. Proof of Income: Issued upon completing a sale or transaction, serving to acknowledge the income of taxpayers. 

  2. Proof of Expense: It encompasses purchases, spending, returns, and discounts, providing a comprehensive record for taxpayers. This document is also utilized to rectify or deduct an income receipt if needed. Additionally, in specific instances, taxpayers may issue a self-billed e-invoice to document expenses, particularly in cases of foreign transactions, where a foreign supplier issues an invoice not utilizing Malaysia's MyInvois System.


Types of E-invoices to be Issued 


Benefits of E-Invoicing in the Hotel Sector 

Introducing E-Invoicing to the hotel sector offers a range of advantages from streamlining financial processes to enhancing overall operational efficiency. Here are the key advantages:

  1. Minimize errors - Minimize the risk of errors associated with manual data entry. E-invoicing systems often come equipped with validation features, ensuring that invoices are accurate and compliant with regulatory standards.

  2. Enables real-time tracking of financial transactions - Hoteliers can monitor the status of invoices, allowing for better cash flow management and proactive decision-making.

  3. Compliance with regulations - Designed to adhere to specific tax regulations, ensuring that the hotel remains compliant with government requirements. This minimizes the risk of penalties and legal issues.

  4. Save costs - It helps to reduce costs associated with printing, postage, and storage of paper invoices. This not only saves money but also aligns with sustainable business practices by minimizing paper usage.

  5. Integrations with Hotel Management System - When the system offers integration to the e-invoices, it enables the streamlining of operations, resulting in enhanced efficiency through automated processes and seamless data integration. 


Understand the E-invoices Workflow in Malaysia


Preparing for the Adoption of E-invoices 

Getting ready for the adoption of e-invoicing involves several strategic steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here is a concise guide for the hotel owners and managers: 

  1. Assessment of Current Systems:
    Evaluate your current invoicing and financial systems. Identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine the extent of integration required for a seamless transition to E-Invoicing.

  2. Understanding Regulatory Requirements:
    Familiarize yourself with the E-Invoicing regulations in your region. Ensure compliance with tax laws, invoicing standards, and any specific guidelines set by the government.

  3. Selection of E-Invoicing Software:
    Choose a reliable E-Invoicing software that aligns with your business needs. Look for features such as scalability, compliance, user-friendliness, and the ability to integrate with existing systems.

  4. Data Migration and Validation:
    Plan for the migration of existing data to the E-Invoicing system. Validate the accuracy of data during the transfer process to prevent discrepancies.


In conclusion, the impending implementation of E-Invoicing in Malaysia signifies a transformative shift for hotel owners and managers. The government's initiative, strategically outlined in the 2024 Financial Budget, aims at enhancing tax administration efficiency. Embracing digital invoicing offers the hotel sector a myriad of advantages, including streamlined financial processes, minimized errors, real-time tracking of transactions, and compliance with regulations.

As hoteliers prepare for this change, understanding the E-Invoicing workflow, selecting suitable software, and ensuring regulatory compliance are crucial steps. The transition presents an opportunity not only for regulatory adherence but also for hotel establishments to fortify their financial operations, reduce costs, and align with sustainable business practices in this new evolving era.