There are not many IT Companies in Melaka. In this article, you will find a list of software companies in Melaka that we have compiled, feel free to suggest if we missed out on any.
From the list, we found that most of the software companies are located in Melaka Tengah and Ayer Keroh. To help you in locating them, we have created Google Maps markers here.
Software Company
In general, there are two types of software companies - Outsourcing vs Product.
Outsourcing software house offers programming as a service. Basically, they build IT products on behalf of other companies (their customers). They make money by offering the programming service. On the other hand, Product software house builds their own product, they make money selling their own products. Melaka has both.
List of Software Companies in Melaka
- Softinn Solutions Sdn. Bhd.
- Panda Software House Sdn. Bhd.
- Full Hos Solution Sdn Bhd.
- PocoPoints Sdn Bhd.
- Evoweb Sdn. Bhd.
List of IT Companies in Melaka Tengah and Ayer Keroh
Here are the Google map markers that we have compiled.
Realizing this, they start to take the wise decision of targeting developed cities such as Melaka, Johor Bahru, and so on. These cities have one major quality of being as developed as a civilized individual may need it to be and at the same time clear from all the downfalls of major cities such as extreme traffic or high rent prices
Many Software companies choose Melaka amongst the other states and that's because the lower price range for rent in Melaka allows the companies to opt for smart offices design with comfortable settings for employees even though the company isn't that huge. What's also special about Melaka that makes it the suitable place to locate a software company is the availability of everyday commodity as well as entertainment options in different sections throughout the city and this is due to that the city host many modern university campuses hence providing a market for malls and different shops to be around.
For the very same reason, the living places and accommodation options are diverse with a high level of availability and there has been a surge lately in developing elite residential complexes in Melaka since many people are forecasting the rise in demand since many companies are indeed gonna soon realize the huge opportunity that they’re missing.
Softinn Solutions is one of the few Software companies that Started in Melaka, Which is a hospitality technology company that provides e-commerce solutions and property management systems for hotels. Softinn also creates and manages
Softinn e-commerce solutions are built to remove the middleman (hotels are paying 15% commission to middleman booking sites). The economic impact of their work is to keep the hotel profit margin and to reduce the trade deficit of Malaysia.
As we talk about software companies, we can't skip talking about programming. Programming languages tend to depend on the company rather than location. Every company could choose a different programming language.
For programmers at least knowing one of the main Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) languages such as:
If you want to learn web programming, it'd be good to have knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and such. There are also frameworks like Bootstrap and Angular, and recent things such as Typescript.
But when trying to get into a specific company, you should first know about what programming languages/tools that company is using and learn them, for example in Softinn Solutions the common programming language used is .Net.
If you’re familiar with the programming languages mentioned above and you think you can be a great Full-Stack programmer who is open to learning and adopting new skills and knowledge, check the Programming positions available by Softinn Solutions. And if you wonder what it is like to join Softinn Team, go ahead and read the Job Reviews on JobStreet and Glassdoor.