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How To Sync Airbnb Calendar With

As a hotelier, ensuring a seamless guest experience is essential for maximizing revenue. However, managing bookings across platforms like Airbnb and can pose challenges, including double bookings and overbooking. Syncing your and Airbnb calendars resolves these issues.

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8 Simple Steps To Create Listing on

Running a hotel is heavy work. You're probably always looking for new ways to increase bookings and promote your property. Putting your hotel on OTAs is always a great decision. One of the top OTA sites you can list your property on is

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Best Promotion Strategy for Beach Resorts

Promoting is crucial in this era to ensure your business gets the needed attention from the public. That's why you need a solid plan and strategy to promote your resort. A strong promotion strategy can help your resort in the long run. 

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How To Promote Resorts in 2023

There is fierce competition among resort owners, and each resort strives to increase revenue. To make people aware of your resort, you must make sure you promote your resort accordingly. By promoting your resort, you can attract more guests.

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Why Do You Need To Invest In A Good Resort Management Software?

Running and managing a resort is a challenging task for players in this industry. The best way to gain a competitive advantage is by adapting to technological software. Gone are the days when hoteliers use excel or booking booklets to manage their resorts. During peak seasons and holiday periods, the resort staff are usually overworked and stressed. This is because they were doing everything manually. Investing in resort management software will deliver an exceptional experience to your guests and enhance your overall efficiency through the automation of repetitive tasks. Herein we discuss why you need to invest in good resort management software.

Read also: 7 Reasons Why Hotels Should Invest in a Channel Manager


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Smart Resort Marketing Strategies

-Updated on May 2023-

The competition among resort owners is tense, every resort wants to fill their rooms and maximize profit. The challenge of getting a guest usually falls on the marketing team. Sometimes the marketing team runs out of ideas and gets frustrated when their effort is not yielding a positive result. But with the right strategy and some marketing budget, it will be easier to attract guests to a resort. 


Below we are going to discuss some of the smart resort marketing strategies that can help resort owners to increase their resort bookings and generate more revenue. If done right, then you can say goodbye to empty resort rooms.


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Target Market of Beach Resort

-Updated on October 2024-

Beach resorts are those resorts that are located close to the water or the beach where people go to relax. As a business person or as a hotelier, it is very important to know your target market. When you don’t know your target market, you may be marketing your resort to the wrong group of people and wondering why your rooms are not being sold out.

There are ways and some tools you can use to identify your target market. These include surveys, online reviews, Google Analytics, social media insight, etc. Below we are going to discuss some of the target markets for a beach resort.

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