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How to List My Hotel on Agoda: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating a hotel listing on Agoda is a crucial step in maximizing your property's visibility and bookings. Agoda is one of the leading online travel platforms, connecting millions of travellers with accommodations worldwide.

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Get Your Hotel Listed On OTAs: The Pros and Cons

Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) serve as popular platforms for travelers seeking package deals, accommodations, flights, tours, and various travel services. They play a crucial role in distribution channels, extending reach and boosting bookings.

Yet, while OTAs offer extensive reach, they come with the drawback of commission payments on each booking. To guide decision-making, this blog post provides a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of online travel agents. 

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Unlocking Advantage & Disadvantage: Hotel Kiosk Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, technology has revolutionized various industries, including hospitality. Delays in hotel check-ins can significantly impact guest satisfaction, with even a 5-minute delay reducing it by 50%. Long queues at hotel front desks during check-ins are now a thing of the past, thanks to the self-check-in hotel kiosks.

In this article, we'll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of hotel kiosks and how they're reshaping the hospitality landscape.

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How To Sync Airbnb Calendar With

As a hotelier, ensuring a seamless guest experience is essential for maximizing revenue. However, managing bookings across platforms like Airbnb and can pose challenges, including double bookings and overbooking. Syncing your and Airbnb calendars resolves these issues.

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Hotel Booking Engine & Channel Manager: How does it works?

Ever wondered how hotels effortlessly manage bookings and keep everything in sync? The secret lies in two powerful tools – hotel booking engines and channel managers.  While the Property Management System (PMS) also plays a vital role in this choreography, my focus in this blog post will be exclusively on the dynamic duo of booking engines and channel managers as they team up to streamline the booking process, maximize room occupancy, and elevate overall guest satisfaction. 

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Malaysia E-Invoicing: What Hoteliers Need to Know

In May 2023, the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB) officially declared its intention to implement the new electronic invoicing (e-invoice) system, starting with the initial phase targeting 4,000 businesses. The implementation is scheduled to start on 1st Aug 2024 for businesses achieving an annual sales threshold of RM100 million. 

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Malaysia's 8% SST in 2024 – Insights for Hoteliers

~Updated on 19th February 2024~

In response to the recent announcement in Malaysia's Budget 2024 presented in Parliament, a significant development is on the horizon that may cast a substantial impact on the hotel industry. There is an increase in the Sales & Services Tax (SST) from the current 6% to 8% which will take effect from 1st March 2024. 

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Humanizing Innovation: Embracing Technology for Better Customer Experience in the Hotel Industry

JeeShen, the founder and CEO of Softinn shared his thoughts on embracing technology for better customer experience in the hotel industry along with fellow speakers  - Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Md. Shohel Sayeed, Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FIST), Multimedia University (MMU) and Ts. Dr. Ong Lee Yeng from FIST MMU.

In his presentation, JeeShen dissects the technology stack used in one of the oldest industries - Hospitality (or Hotel). He will talk about the usage of cloud technology, robotics, and automation in the hotel and uncover the algorithms that work behind the scene while a traveller plans their trip.

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How Hotels Should Handle Shortage of Staff

Employees are considered to be the most valuable asset of the organization. They are the people with skills, knowledge, and experience that bring value to the business. Hence, the crisis in the shortage of staff would be an issue for hotel businesses and could affect the revenue too. 

Let me share some of the ways that could help hotels to handle the shortage of staff effectively.

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Hotel Touch Screen Kiosk Solutions Malaysia

Kiosk Solution has been widely used in many business industries such as airports, F&B, and hotels. 7 years ago, Resort World Genting installed its very first kiosk at the hotel lobby to start introducing a self-check-in service. As the world has been hit badly by the Covid-19 pandemic, many more hotels are starting to adopt hotel kiosk solutions.

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