VingCard Locks

VingCard Lock is a popular brand of hotel door locks. It can be categorized into 4 main categories

  • VingCard Classic
  • VingCard Signature
  • VingCard Essence
  • VingCard Allure

Below is the comparison of each category and a screenshot of the hotel door lock. All VingCard door locks mentioned below can be managed using VingCard Vision, the software to manage hotel keycards.

Notes: Here's the contact of Vingcard Suppliers in Malaysia

VingCard Classic

VingCard Classic is a common hotel door lock found in hotels built in the '90s. It is reliable and durable. VingCard Classic can be customized to read Magnetic or RFID key cards.



VingCard Signature

VingCard Signature is a newer version of VingCard Classic that supports RFID by default. It's popular among hotels that are built after the year 2000.



VingCard Essence

VingCard Essence reduced its RFID reader size significantly. The size is way smaller compared to the previous two that very often, hotel guests overlooked it.



VingCard Allure

VingCard Allure is the latest version in which the RFID readers can be located elsewhere (instead of the typical above-the-lock position). 


Below is a sample of the RFID Reader Panel. The looks can be customized.



How to Choose Your Hotel Door Locks

  • Based on budget
  • Based on the current door dimension
  • Based on your check-in process and Hotel PMS

Which door lock would you prefer? Share with us your experience in the comment area. ;)


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