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How Hotels Should Handle Shortage of Staff

Employees are considered to be the most valuable asset of the organization. They are the people with skills, knowledge, and experience that bring value to the business. Hence, the crisis in the shortage of staff would be an issue for hotel businesses and could affect the revenue too. 

Let me share some of the ways that could help hotels to handle the shortage of staff effectively.

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Orbita Hotel Door Lock - Variations, Features & Prices

Orbita was first established in 2004 in Shenzhen, China. Orbita is well-known as a reputable hospitality products manufacturer with ISO certified 46,000 m² garden factory at Huizhou. They produce a variety of products that are widely used in the hospitality industry from hotel door locks to hotel amenities such as minibars, hairdryers, electric kettles, room safes, and many others.

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Hotel Self Check-in Kiosk: Knowing The Pros & Cons

As we live in the world of 2022, there is no doubt that technology has made our lives more convenient by changing the way we do many things. It does change how many businesses operate nowadays, the hotels have no exception to it. 

Looking at the hotel industry perception, the way guests check in to the hotel has changed as well. There is a surge that hoteliers finding reasonable contactless service technology ever since the Covid-19 pandemic took place. Hence, there is no surprise if the hotel self-check-in kiosk becomes a big trend in the hotel industry. 

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Hotel Touch Screen Kiosk Solutions Malaysia

Kiosk Solution has been widely used in many business industries such as airports, F&B, and hotels. 7 years ago, Resort World Genting installed its very first kiosk at the hotel lobby to start introducing a self-check-in service. As the world has been hit badly by the Covid-19 pandemic, many more hotels are starting to adopt hotel kiosk solutions.

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Hotel Sector Hopes on Vaccine - What Hoteliers Should Do

As of 15th March, there are 5.5M individuals in Malaysia who have registered for the Covid-19 vaccine through the MySejahtera app. As we all know, Malaysia launched the very first batch of Covid-19 vaccine on 24th February 2021, and at that time, The Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin was among the Malaysian that received the first shot. By 29th March 2021, Malaysia will complete the vaccine delivery for the first quarter of this year.

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Contactless Check-in for Hotels

The hospitality industry is one of the biggest sectors that was hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic. The government is forced to impose lockdown and travel restrictions, putting the hotel industry in the toughest situation. 

Nevertheless, many hotel businesses are now trying to fight and find solutions so that they can operate the business as usual with the new safety measures and adapt to the new normal so that the guests feel comfortable and safe during their stay.

The limitations to human contact and social distancing are now changing the way hotels check in their guests. Many hotels started to stop the traditional check-in and implement a contactless check-in service instead. 

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Covid-19 Hotel Business Impact Survey - The Result

The outbreak and spread of the Covid-19 pandemic have affected the tourism and hotel industry badly. In the mid of February 2021, we conducted a survey of hoteliers with the objective of gaining some insights into how the pandemic is affecting their hotel businesses.

Below is the summary of the survey result on how hoteliers deal with the pandemic. 

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Hotel Self Check-in Kiosk Price Range

Hotel self-service kiosk comes in four varieties - standing kiosk, wall-mounted kiosk, vending kiosk / hybrid kiosk, andtable-top kiosk. Each offers a different space utilization and a different touchpoint at your hotel lobby. It also comes at different price points.

Before going into the price range, if you haven't, read the articles we've compiled covering points that you will need to consider while sourcing your hotel kiosk hardware and hotel kiosk hardware and hotel kiosk software. These articles will serve as a reference point for the pricing table below.

In general, a complete set of hotel self-service kiosk prices ranges from RM 15,000 to RM 70,000 (USD 3,700 to USD 17,000). Do factor in the retaining fees (e.g. software, maintenance) if you are sourcing for a hotel kiosk.

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Hotel Kiosk Software

I've blogged about why hotels should consider using a hotel kiosk in my previous blog. In this article, I'm going to talk about hotel kiosk software. Assuming you're able to source for the kiosk hardware on Alibaba, the next item you will need after getting the hardware is the software that runs on it.

What you will need to consider while choosing your hotel kiosk software? First, the compatibility with your kiosk; second, the integration with your hotel PMS. It's hard to find a hotel kiosk software that is fully compatible with both your kiosk hardware and your hotel PMS, that is why most of the kiosk solutions sell in a bundle (both kiosk hardware and kiosk software and very often along with hotel PMS). In this article, we will find out what you will need to know before choosing your kiosk app and also discover what additional features you may want to consider.

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Hotel Self Check-In Kiosk

Self-service kiosks were invented in the year 1977 by Murray Lappe, a pre-med student at the University of Illinois. Students and campus visitors used the kiosk to find movies, maps, directories, and bus schedules. Over the years, new innovations like touch screens, the internet, and embedded computing have helped bring kiosks to the mass market. It's now being used in shopping malls as an interactive directory, government offices as a 24/7 counter service, etc. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic has fostered the adoption of kiosks in the hospitality business

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