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Hotel Door Lock Systems in Malaysia

Door lock systems in the hotel industry

Door locks play a crucial role in the hospitality industry. This is because of both guest security and hotel operation control. Guests do not like the idea of accessing their room using a physical key now, they have heard enough horror stories of unauthorized entries. A good door lock system ensures the safety of customers and secures their belongings. Safety issues can heavily affect a hotel's reputation.

But how does a hotel choose a door lock system? In this article, we compare different door lock technologies and listed the hotel door lock suppliers in Malaysia.

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The Importance of Soft Skills for Hospitality Management Staff

The hospitality industry is largely based on customer contact which is one of the main reasons why soft skills are so relevant. If you wonder what soft skills are exactly, they are skills that affect your relationship with others. That is, soft skills refer to interpersonal skills.

As a team who is consistently working with people and whose job is to make people feel good and relax, hospitality management staff could especially benefit from soft skills. If you want to know why soft skills play such an important role for hospitality management staff, just keep reading.

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What Hotel PMS is All About?

Every industry is currently looking for technology to make it faster and easier. This is especially applicable in the hospitality industry, where using a hotel management system will help the hotel save cost and time while also reducing cases of overbooking and human error. A property management system (PMS) is widely used to help hotels to manage their daily operations. A PMS may also be customized or might offer integration to other solutions and particular features to a specific hotel.

Finding a PMS that is a good fit for your hotel could prove to be a real challenge. However, before accepting such a challenge, it is important to first know what exactly is PMS and what to expect from a PMS.

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Hotel Management Software Malaysia

Hotel management software refers to any software that is designed to assist in a hotel's daily operations and makes their work easier. It has become more advanced in recent years due to the development of technology. There are many hotels that heavily rely on hotel management systems as they bring a lot of conveniences and make their work more efficient.

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Hotel Front Desk Software: Why You Need The Latest One?

Hotel front desk software is an important tool for front desk staff to manage their task efficiently. By having front desk software or so-called Property Management System (PMS), your staff will be able to handle day-to-day tasks like guest check-in and check-out, housekeeping checklist, room reservations, room availability management, and other functions in a single platform.

This will help in avoiding human error and manual data entry challenges since most of the things will be automated by the system. The moment you use PMS, you will soon realize how much time you save and less effort needed to stay organized.

Read also: Importance of Property Management System

Not to forget that technology is growing and changing, neither does the business. In this article, we are going to talk about the reasons why you need the latest hotel front desk software for you to grow your business effectively.

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Why Do You Need To Invest In A Good Resort Management Software?

Running and managing a resort is a challenging task for players in this industry. The best way to gain a competitive advantage is by adapting to technological software. Gone are the days when hoteliers use excel or booking booklets to manage their resorts. During peak seasons and holiday periods, the resort staff are usually overworked and stressed. This is because they were doing everything manually. Investing in resort management software will deliver an exceptional experience to your guests and enhance your overall efficiency through the automation of repetitive tasks. Herein we discuss why you need to invest in good resort management software.

Read also: 7 Reasons Why Hotels Should Invest in a Channel Manager


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Hotel Career: Understanding Different Hotel Management Positions

The hospitality industry is one of the industries with huge employment opportunities. This industry of hotel management has good career opportunities. With many hotel chains opening branches in different cities around the world, you can expect better career opportunities to come your way. Your career in the hotel industry depends on your education and of course, on your experience. Below we are going to discuss some of the hotel management career positions.


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How To Know When To Change Your Current Hotel PMS

The importance of good PMS cannot be overemphasized. The competition in the hotel industry has made every hotelier insist on a good PMS for their hotel. A hotel PMS encourages you to streamline your hotel daily tasks, manage your employees and increase your income. This is the reason it has a significant influence in deciding the path of success for your hotel business.

Alongside that, a hotel PMS must continue progressing with your hotel developing needs and growing business objectives. If that is not the case, then maybe it is time for you to consider changing your hotel PMS. This article is discussing how to know when to change your current hotel PMS so you could move forward in having one that suits your hotel.

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Functions of a Hotel Property Management System

Nowadays, technology has changed the way people live their life. People become dependent on technology and the internet to perform their everyday tasks. Being mobile has become a part of their daily routine. Look at how the internet and mobile devices are changing people's habits. 

Having said that, hotels should be innovative and adopt new technologies to offer high-quality services and memorable experiences to their guests. One such technology is a hotel property management system.

Read also: Front Office Management System

Below we listed some functions of a hotel property management system (PMS).

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4 Ways Hotel Management System Can Help Budget Hotels

As a hotelier, before you even start thinking about the features of the hotel management system you want to invest in, you should first think about how the hotel management system will help your budget hotel. Time has passed when budget hotels use excels or reservation books to manage their bookings and front desk tasks.

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