Value Added Tax (VAT) for hotels in the Philippines: FAQs included

In many countries, including the Philippines, hotels often collect various taxes and fees from their guests. These taxes are typically imposed by the government and are meant to generate revenue for local or national purposes. The specific taxes and fees can vary, but one of the common taxes collected by Hotels in the Philippines is Value Added Tax (VAT). 

Below are the Frequestionly Asked Questions (FAQs) related to VAT: 

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How to Filter and Label Hotel Bookings Email on Gmail

If you are tired of sifting through a mountain of emails every morning, this simple technique will help you stay organized and ensure that important messages don't go unnoticed. 

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Marriot’s Pricing Strategy: What You Need To Know

Try googling the largest hotel chain in the world and see what pops up. It's a guarantee that Marriot International takes the cake. Being so successful must come from a solid strategy, right? Take a look at what you can learn from Marriott's pricing strategy.

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Ical vs Channel Manager: Which one do you need?

It's hard, isn't it? Dealing with guest reservations when you're integrated with other channels is challenging, especially during peak season. To make sure you don't make any mistakes with their reservations and to prevent other issues, systems like iCal and channel manager are created. But, which one suits your hotel best?

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All You Need To Know: Hotel Front Office System

Front desk tasks can be simplified with the help of hotel front office systems. Hoteliers are now rushing to implement hotel front office systems in their hotels. From five-star hotels to boutique hotels, a hotel front office system will be a staple in helping hotelier business run smoother.

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5 Easy Steps To Create Listing on Airbnb

Have an extra property that you don't know how to make use of? Well, listing them on Airbnb might be the answer for you. Airbnb is the top site for you to rent out properties and gain income. With the many Airbnb users, it would be a waste of opportunity if you don't take it.

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No-Show Hotel Policy

Guests can sometimes bail on their reservations without letting the hotel know and no hotels want this. Dealing with no-shows is a hassle and will affect other things. That's why having a no-show policy is a must for hoteliers.

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8 Simple Steps To Create Listing on

Running a hotel is heavy work. You're probably always looking for new ways to increase bookings and promote your property. Putting your hotel on OTAs is always a great decision. One of the top OTA sites you can list your property on is

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Best Promotion Strategy for Beach Resorts

Promoting is crucial in this era to ensure your business gets the needed attention from the public. That's why you need a solid plan and strategy to promote your resort. A strong promotion strategy can help your resort in the long run. 

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How To Promote Resorts in 2023

There is fierce competition among resort owners, and each resort strives to increase revenue. To make people aware of your resort, you must make sure you promote your resort accordingly. By promoting your resort, you can attract more guests.

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