Mobile Friendly Hotel Website

When websites were first designed and developed, they were pretty much built to be navigated on a desktop or computer. In this digital age, most browsing activities are done via smaller devices especially smartphones. Thus, websites need to be mobile responsive to make it easy for users to navigate. 

The growth of technology makes the definition of mobile-friendly changed especially when it comes to website design and development. To better understand, a mobile-friendly website means that the website performs well on a mobile device like a phone or tablet. 

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Hotel CMS

CMS stands for Content Management System, it refers to software that allows users to easily manage the content of their website including information, text, and images. CMS usually requires very little technical to none IT skill. In other words, CMS gives users the access to amend the content of their website without the need to have coding or programming knowledge.

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Content for Hotel Website

The study found that most leisure travelers decide which hotel they want to stay at after visiting the hotel website.

A hotel website can be the main site for both hotel and guests to source the information and get more details where they can’t find that information from other sites like OTA.

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Importance of Hotel Website

Nowadays, people heavily rely on the use of the internet to find information. They crave instant and complete information. 

Having your own hotel website can be so much helpful to your hotel business. It can be one of your marketing strategies, how your hotel can be different from your competitors and how to stay competitive in the market. 

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8 Effective Tips to Increase Your Hotel Occupancy

As the main indicator of hotel performance, the occupancy rates portray the profiting and struggling periods for your hotel. To stay competitive in the hotel industry, hoteliers need to implement unique strategies to improve the occupancy rate.

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Increasing Hotel Occupancy - What Hoteliers Should Do

Considered as one of the top three most useful metrics for hotel owners carrying out a revenue management strategy, the occupancy rate is highlighting how much of the available space in a hotel is actually being utilized to assess the performance of a hotel. 

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What Should A Good Hotel Website Have?

One possible explanation on how you stumbled upon this article is most probably because your hotel does not have a website yet and you’re exploring the features that a good hotel website needs to have.

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How To Create A Facebook Page For Your Homestay Business

-Last update on May 2023-

If you are running a homestay business but do not have a dedicated Facebook page for your homestay, we suggest you think again, about whether to have or not to have.

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How to Optimize OTA to Improve Hotel Direct Booking?

In recent years, much focus has been put by hoteliers around the world in searching and implementing a direct booking strategy that works for their businesses. However, we know for decades, the hotel has been reliant on the help of the Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) since the emergence of Expedia in 1996, thus, what have driven hotels to be seemingly steering in the opposite direction?

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Questions To Ask Before Choosing Malaysian Hotel Reservation Software

As a Malaysian hotelier, when deciding on which Hotel Reservation Software to use for your hotel, there are certain features to look out for in the software. Currently, hotel software providers are trying their best to integrate all the necessary features hoteliers need in their software.

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